# Blosxom Plugin: lineno # # All rights reserved, copyright (c) 2012, Mitzyuki IMAIZUMI # Author: Mitzyuki IMAIZUMI (mitz@mitz.jp) # Version: 2012-06-21 # # lineno # for source code (c, sh, php, xml, exrc) # ... # add lineno, comment to italic # # for file content(s) # ... # comment to italic # # for command line(s) # ... # prompt/output to italic # # also # expand tab to spaces # escape special characters # package lineno; # Configuration Section my $begin = qq(); my $end = qq(); my $css = qq(lineno); my %start = qw(c \/\* xml <!-); my %stop = qw(c \*\/ xml ->); my %line1 = qw(c \/\/); my %line2 = qw(sh # php # exrc "); $tabstop = 4; #--------------# # Main Routine 3 #--------------# use strict; use Text::Tabs; sub start { return 1; } sub story { my ($pkg, $path, $file, $story, $title, $body) = @_; $$body = do_line($$body); 1; } sub do_line { my($line, $no, $tag, $lang, $prompt, $flag) = @_; my(@lines) = split(/\n/, $line); my($buff); foreach $line (@lines){ if($flag){ # expand tabstop $line = expand($line); if($line =~ s/<\/$tag>/<\/pre>/){ $flag = 0; $lang = $tag = undef; } else{ # replace entities $line =~ s/(^|([^\\]))&/$1&/g; $line =~ s/(^|([^\\]))/$1>/g; $line =~ s/\\([&<>])/$1/g; # CODE if($tag =~ /code/){ # prompt to italic if(!($line =~ s/^([\$\#])(\s+)/$begin$1$end$2/)){ if($prompt){ if(!($line =~ s/^($prompt)(\s+)/$begin$1$end$2/)){ $line =~ s/(.*)/$begin$1$end/; } } else { $line =~ s/(.*)/$begin$1$end/; } } } # SOURCE/FILE else { if($line1{$lang}){ $line =~ s/($line1{$lang}.*)/$begin$1$end/; } if($line2{$lang}){ $line =~ s/(^|\s+)($line2{$lang}.*)/$1$begin$2$end/; } if($start{$lang}){ $line =~ s/($start{$lang})/$begin$1/g; $line =~ s/($stop{$lang})/\1$end/g; } # lineno if($tag =~ /source/){ $buff .= sprintf("%3d", $css, ++$$no); } } } } else{ if($line =~ s/<(source|file|code)(?:\s+(?:lang|prompt)=['"]([^'"]*)['"])?(?:\s+include=['"]([^'"]*)['"])?\s*>/
				my($file) = $3;

				$$no = 0;
				$flag = 1;

				$tag = $1;
				$lang = $2 ? $2 : "c";
				$prompt = $2;

					if(open(FP, $file)){
						($line .= do_line(join("", ),
								$no, $tag, $lang, $prompt, $flag)) =~ s/\n$//;

		$buff .= "$line\n";



